Thursday, February 7, 2013

Punk Jews

JFilm presents
The Red String Film Series
for young adults
Punk Jews
Profiling Hassidic punk rockers, Yiddish street performers, African-American Jewish activists and more, Punk Jews explores an emerging movement of provocateurs and committed Jews who are asking, each in his or her own way, what it means to be Jewish in the 21st century. And, in the process, they are challenging stereotypes and breaking down barriers. (60 minutes)
Producers Evan Kleinman and Saul Sudin will lead a Q & A following the film.
Reception after the Q & A for Graduate Students and Young Professionals.
Dietary Laws Observed.
Tuesday, February 19, 8 p.m.
Pittsburgh Filmmakers ~ Melwood Screening Room
477 Melwood Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
$5 (ages 21-44)
$15 (ages 45 and over)
Tickets available at the door if not sold out. Seating is limited. 
For more information: or 412-992-5203 

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